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Happy Valentine's Day special Orders over $40 use promo code Valentine to get FREE SHIPPING!!!! BUY MORE PAY LESS WITH AUTOMATIC DISCOUNTS


  • Raw Meat Diet For Dogs?
    diciembre 19, 2023

    Raw Meat Diet

    Q: I want to feed my dog A Raw meat Diet, Is this OK for my Dog? Doc A: Supporters claim raw meat is the original canine diet that may be highly palatability, offer more energy, bring healthier coats with...

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  • Mystery Illness & the Fountain of Youth Update
    diciembre 19, 2023

    Mystery Illness & the Fountain of Youth Update

    UPDATE OF THE MYSTERIOUS DOG ILLNESS AND IS SCIENCE FINALLY HELPING OUR PETS LIVE LONGER LIVES? Q: What kind of update on the "Mysterious Dog Illness"? Doc A: The disease is spreading to all parts of the country originating in...

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  • Telemedicine For Pets?
    diciembre 19, 2023


    Q: What is the telemedicine for pets? Doc A: Telemedicine is a valuable new vehicle shortening the response time for medical care, promoting pet parent convenience and helping to reduce medical costs. Allowing the pet parent to speak with a...

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  • What is Heartworm?
    noviembre 27, 2023

    What is Heartworm?

    Heartworm is a blood worm that resides in the right side of the heart, causing cardiac and lung disease. It may lead to the death of infected dogs and cats. Learn about the risk factors, symptoms, and prevention of heartworm...

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  • The Mystery Dog Illness
    noviembre 27, 2023

    The Mystery Dog Illness

    Bordetella disease is a canine disease sweeping the country. Clinically, it looks like a severe labored breathing and coughing which may lead to fever, loss of appetite and lethargy. If left untreated it may lead to life-threatening pneumonia, and death. ...

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  • Glucosamine For Dogs: Safe Dosages and Uses
    noviembre 22, 2023

    Glucosamine For Dogs: Safe Dosages and Uses

    In humans and animals, including dogs, glucosamine supplements are commonly used to support joint health. Read below to learn about the safe dosages and uses of glucosamine for dogs.  Is Glucosamine safe to give to dogs? Glucosamine is generally safe...

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  • Salmon Cat Food: 9 Favorite Fishy Formulas
    octubre 3, 2023

    Salmon Cat Food: 9 Favorite Fishy Formulas

      When feeding our feline friends, we may be inclined to stick to traditional animal protein sources like chicken, beef, and turkey. But as pet food trends shift towards more natural and healthy options, many pet parents are wondering if...

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  • Addison’s Disease In Dogs: Symptoms And Treatments
    octubre 3, 2023

    Addison’s Disease In Dogs: Symptoms And Treatments

    Often referred to as “the great pretender,” Addison’s disease has the ability to mimic other common diseases in dogs, which typically presents a challenge when it comes time to diagnose the disease that affects a dog’s adrenal glands. Also referred...

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  • Benadryl For Dogs: Safe Dosages And Uses
    octubre 3, 2023

    Benadryl For Dogs: Safe Dosages And Uses

    If you’ve ever had allergies or an allergic reaction, you’ve likely turned to Benadryl for relief. Benadryl is an antihistamine that alleviates allergy symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and itchy nose or throat in people. And while it...

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