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Happy Valentine's Day special Orders over $40 use promo code Valentine to get FREE SHIPPING!!!! BUY MORE PAY LESS WITH AUTOMATIC DISCOUNTS
How Long Can You Leave Cats Alone? Is it Safe?

How Long Can You Leave Cats Alone? Is it Safe?

Adult cats shouldn’t be left alone for more than 24 hours — and only that long if you can provide fresh meals in meal timers at regular intervals and plenty of enrichment and entertainment,” says Molly DeVoss, Certified Feline Training & Behavior Specialist and founder of Cat Behavior Solutions. Additionally, when it comes to kittens, DeVoss says if they’re 2-6 months in age, they shouldn’t be left alone for more than eight hours, and for kittens even younger, they should never be left alone.

Artículo anterior Fungus/Yeast in Canines, Kitten Vaccines and Tear Stains in Dogs
Artículo siguiente Cat Nail Caps: Pros, Cons, and Alternatives to Consider

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