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Dog Illnesses, Injuries and Sicknesses Common During the Summer Months

Illnesses, Injuries and Sicknesses Common During the Summer Months

Summer warmer weather triggers increased outside activity for both the canine and pet parent. Opening the home, longer dog walks and increased visits to dog parks increase exposure to what the summer environment has to offer.  Intense sun, heat, humidity, air contaminants, flourishing vegetation, softening of the ground and the awakening of insects and wildlife all offer challenges to pets not readily seen during the winter months. Sunburn or solar dermatitis, dehydration, flea tick infestations, mosquito and spider bites, skin allergies, asthmatic breathing, parasite transmission and the increased presence of roaming dangerous neighborhood dogs and wildlife all pose challenges to the canine with the emergence of summer months.  

Heartworm, tick borne diseases like Lyme disease, spider and mosquito bites can all be prevented with regular use of effective insect preventative and repellent products. Frequent bathing and brushing freshen the skin and coat elevating natural resistance to disease. Early morning and late evening strategically planned dog walks avoid intensive heat, humidity, heat stroke and excessive sunrays. Dog walkers should carry blunt protective instruments and mace for protection from stray dog attacks. Daily application of Epi-Pet Sunscreen (only pet sunscreen authorized by the FDA for pet use) is the best way to shield the pet skin from deadly sunrays. Fresh water should always be readily accessible. Safe treatment and precise planned sculpturing of lawns avoid insect and wildlife buildup. Home air purifiers and clean air conditioner filters screen out antagonistic environmental summer irritants. 

Scheduling annual physical examinations, heartworm blood testing, fecal testing, dispensing effective heartworm and flea and tick preventative medication and administration of annual vaccinations at the onset of summer offers a terrific opportunity for the Veterinary office to share the recommendations for pet summer care. And the timing of the veterinary visit prepares the pet parent for their expectations and responsibility for protecting their four-legged furry family member from the potential dangers of the rapidly approaching summer. 

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