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Happy Valentine's Day special Orders over $40 use promo code Valentine to get FREE SHIPPING!!!! BUY MORE PAY LESS WITH AUTOMATIC DISCOUNTS
Summer Cooling Products for Pets

Summer Cooling Products for Pets

When the temperatures soar, pet owners need to take steps to keep their pets cool.  The summer months can be uncomfortable—even dangerous—for pets as well as their people.  Use these expert tips to keep your pets cool and safe this summer season.

Hydration Every Day & All Day

July is Hydration Awareness month.  Your dog’s body will naturally lose water all day. He loses water when he sweats through his paws, when he pants and when he pees and poops. A good rule of thumb: Make sure your dog gets at least 1 ounce of water daily for each pound he weighs. For dogs at home, use Yeti dog bowls that keep water cool for hours,  For dogs on the go, use a Loving Pets Products, Bella Roma Travel Bowl. They are BPA-free, folds flat, dishwasher safe, locks in place, has legs for sturdiness and a carabineer to go anywhere.  &


Sun Pet Protection

UV rays harm people and pets. Don’t let your pet go out without his sunscreen, especially if he is white, short-haired, low to the ground and a breed that is prone to skin cancer, like Golden retrievers, Keeshond, Standard Schnauzer, Basset Hound, Collies, Dalmatians, Bull Terriers, and Beagles. Developed by a veterinarian, it is waterproof and has an SPF of 30+. Additionally, Epi-Pet, the only FDA compliant sunscreen on the market. is contained in a sports bottle with a valve so you can turn the bottle upside down and spray your pet all over.

Cooling clothes

Help your best friend stay cool in the heat with evaporative cooling technology. Activate the cooling coats, bandanas, other K9 apparel by soaking them in water. Then, wring them out and outfit your  dog and let evaporative cooling pull heat away from your four-legged friend. Look for cooling clothes with light-colored fabric to help deflect solar radiation.

Doggy dip

A swim is a great way to cool off but make sure your dog is wearing a life jacket whether s(he) hits the pool, lake, stream or ocean.  Look for bright-colored float coats with reflective light strips for dim light conditions and a handle to lift dogs out of the water.

Comfortable K9 sleep

Ever notice when the temperatures rise, dogs don’t like to sleep in dog beds. Elevated dog beds can be better for dogs who live in warm climates or those who easily overheat. The extra airflow beneath can move away heat for added comfort and the elevated design keeps away dirt and debris. Additionally, they provide firm support  and are easier to clean.   


To learn more about Petrendologist Charlotte Reed and about these products, listen to her syndicated radio show visit You can also follow her on The Pet Buzz social media channels Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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