Why your pet needs K-9 Care Sunscreen
Just like humans getting skin cancer from the sun, dogs and horses get skin cancer too! They can form cancerous tumors such as Hemangiosarcomas.
What is Hemangiosarcomas?
Hemangiosarcomas are malignant tumors derived from the cells lining blood vessels. Hemangiosarcoma is a common cancer in dogs. The most common sites are the skin, spleen, liver, and heart. Most hemangiosarcomas (except some appearing in the skin) are both locally aggressive and have a high likelihood of spreading to other parts of the body. These tumors are typically filled with blood and very fragile.
This is a 14 year old female spade Italian greyhound with a serious amount of regrowth tumors Hemangiosarcomas recognized as one of at least 3 malignant tumors associated with excess solar rays.
The laboratory report indicate contagious Hermandiosarcomas are associated wit solar or UV light exposure particularly in short hair or lightly pigmented dogs. sites of solar induces lesions include the centrum medial to the column through under the belly. Dogs who have solar induce Hemangiosarcomas have high recurrence rates but prolonged survival times.
Avoid getting to this point where major surgery needs to take place.
Dr. Fleck is a licensed veterinarian and works on these types of surgeries to remove tumors/cancer from the body of animals on the daily. That's why he is so passionate about pet parents using K-9 Care Sunscreen on their dogs or horses every time before they go out into the sun each and every day.
Purchase K-9 Care Sunscreen here.