Fungus/Yeast in Canines, Kitten Vaccines and Tear Stains in Dogs
Kittens enter our homes either as an orphan, from breeders or from our family queen. They, like dogs and people, need early protection from deadly contagious diseases via the vaccine route. The orphan kitten in particular should be tested for the presence of feline Leukemia and feline Aids before administering the first series of kitten vaccines. Vaccines should be given at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age and include protection for feline panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calici virus, feline leukemia and rabies. Because of the extreme contagious nature of feline diseases, all feline vaccines should be repeated on an annual basis or at your veterinarians' recommendation. Side effects from vaccines are rare in the kitten with the primary complaint being sleepy, absence of appetite and sore or lumpy injection sites. Those rare reactions are short lived and disappear in a day or two. Anaphylaxis reactions to vaccines in the cat are extremely rare and never seen in the life of most practicing veterinarians. The controversy of potential skin cancer triggered at vaccine injection sites has many detractors in the veterinary profession and more studies need to be conducted to conclusively prove that a vaccine may be the cause of the skin cancer. The cost of vaccines varies dramatically from veterinary clinic to clinic. Prices for vaccine packages may be as low as $40 and as high as $200. Be responsible review and compare prices for vaccines and professional care on veterinarian hospital websites.
On the outer corner of eyes are lacrimal tear glands producing tears that lubricate the eyeball with each blink of the eye. Tears wash across the eye filtering through the lacrimal tear duct located in the inside corner of the eye with final destination passing through the nasal cavity. If excessive amounts of tears are produced or if the tear duct is too small to accommodate, tears wash over the lower eyelid and stain the hairs adjacent to the eyelid. A few medical eye conditions may increase tear production, but excess tears primarily are the result of anatomical defects of the eye. Porphyrins, iron carrying molecules from metabolized red blood cells, are mixed in tears and when coming into contact with dogs' hair causes a chemical reaction producing the red-orange stain . Porphyrins are also located in saliva and urine and may produce similar stains around the mouth and vaginal areas of the pet and paws with excessively licking. Tetracycline antibiotic was an early treatment resulting in excellent rapid and complete tear stain removal. Unfortunately, the antibiotic also produces a medical condition called blood dyscrasia debilitating the pet and no longer an option in tear stain removal. Many OTC products are currently available, both oral and topical, with mixed results. The two products with the most effectiveness that I recommend are Angel Eyes oral supplement and Epi-Pet Ear Cleaner topical solution. Because stain is perpetually formed, continual and regular treatment also needs to be applied.