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Happy Valentine's Day special Orders over $40 use promo code Valentine to get FREE SHIPPING!!!! BUY MORE PAY LESS WITH AUTOMATIC DISCOUNTS
Happy Valentine's Day special Orders over $40 use promo code Valentine to get FREE SHIPPING!!!! BUY MORE PAY LESS WITH AUTOMATIC DISCOUNTS

Epi-Pet Groomer Support

Epi-Pet offers a variety of products that can help the professional groomer provide a complete and healthy groom and promote overall health for their clients’ pets. The Epi-Pet Shampoo is multifunctional and promotes a healthy skin and hair coat. This light lathering shampoo naturally cleanses, conditions, moisturizes, enriches and refreshes the skin and hair coat leaving your clients’ pets looking healthy, shiny and clean, feeling soft and smelling fresh.

Use the Epi-Pet Shampoo on all healthy pets and on pets with dry, flaky, itchy, oily and smelly skin and hair coats. The Epi-Pet Ear Cleaner cleanses, enriches and refreshes the ear by gently removing dirt, grime and wax, adding healthy ingredients to the skin of the ear and providing a fresh lavender scent in and around the ear. The Epi-Pet Skin & Coat Enrichment Sprays are nice finishing products in the groom promoting a healthy, great looking, clean and fresh smelling pet. This product may also be considered a retail product for your clients who have pets with reoccurring dry, flaky, itchy, oily and smelly skin problems.

The Epi-Pet Sun Protector Sunscreen for dogs (not for cats) is specially formulated to protect the pet from harmful UVA/UVB rays which cause burning and cancers on the skin. The Epi-Pet Sun Protector Sunscreen may also be considered a retail product particularly for those pets that have been “shaved down” and left vulnerable to the damaging sun rays. The Epi-Pet Omega 3-6-9 Whole Fish Treat/Supplements are a nutritional product that your clients might appreciate having available for them to purchase in your shop. This all natural product promotes a healthy skin and hair coat along with healthy bones, joints, heart, brain, and other organs of the pet. The Epi-Pet products help the professional groomer to provide a complete and healthy groom and promote overall health for their clients' pets.

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