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Happy Valentine's Day special Orders over $40 use promo code Valentine to get FREE SHIPPING!!!! BUY MORE PAY LESS WITH AUTOMATIC DISCOUNTS
Gearing Up For Summer

Gearing Up For Summer

Summer adventures become even more fun for dogs when they have the proper gear. Whether you’re planning a staycation or a more intense excursion this summer, check out some of the season’s best finds.

Sun Protection

With summertime sun, it’s not only time to start upping your sun protection game, but your pet’s too. For the best pet sun protection, use Epi-Pet Sun Protector Spray. Developed by a veterinarian, Epi-Pet Sun Protector is the only pet sunscreen that meets FDA guidelines for ingredient stability; is waterproof; includes a sunscreen rate equivalent of 30-SPF; is effective in blocking both UVA and UVB sun rays; and, has a unique value spray can that provides spray from all angles even upside down.

Hydration is Cool

Hydration is always important, but especially in hot and humid weather, as pets tend to lose a lot of their body fluids through sweat. For pet parents-on-the-go, carry H20 for both pets and their people but also a convenient clip-on water bowl like a single, clip-on travel bowl or a double dinner when a meal is necessary. Look for travel bowls with legs as they contribute to the sturdiness of the bowl and help prevent your dog from tipping the bowl over.  

Keep ‘Em Calm

Did you know about 70 percent of pets suffer from anxiety? Thunderstorms, fireworks, travel, loud noises, and parties can un-nerve pets. Keep them calm with CBD Living  Calming Chews. Peanut butter calming chews baked with natural human-grade ingredients aid in digestion, using prebiotics/probiotics and vegetable-based enzymes. CBD Living’s CBD is combined with a proprietary technology that provides pets a fast onset of calmness.

Added Parasite Protection

Combat pesky parasites with natural flea & tick sprays for dogs. Natural flea sprays contain pet-safe ingredients and can be used to kill fleas on your dog, on or in their bedding as well as in your car, home, and landscape. Combined with your current flea and tick regime, natural flea and tick spray can be used for those times you need added protection, reducing the risk of sick pets and costly vet bills. Think about added protection when hiking and traveling!

Cot This

Elevated cots keep pets off the ground, promote and increase air flow on all sides of the bed, keeping your pets cool and above the ground bugs from biting flea, ticks, and chiggers. Look for fabric that is breathable; flea, mite, mold, and mildew resistant; easy-to-wash and maintain; and, is portable for indoor and outdoor use.  


With the right summer pet gear, you and your pet will have a healthy and safe summer, avoiding costly vet bills.

For more information about about these products, listen to the “Gearing up for Summer with Pets” on the The Pet Buzz episode the week of June 27th on Apple iTunes or watch Charlotte’s latest TV segment.

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