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FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50.00 Use promo code JUNE2024 at checkout PLUS 1 FREE AFTER SUN CARE!

Meet the members of the Epi-Pet Family

Dr. Michael C. Fleck
DVMVeterinarian, Esthetician

Founder and Creator of the Epi-Pet skin care line. Dr. Fleck is a practicing Veterinarian of 40 years. He has a 1 person practice in Bradenton, FL. After 32 years of practicing medicine he went back to school and became and estheticain. He saw that there was a need for esthetic skin care for pets and that is how Epi-Pet came to be. Dr. Fleck tours the country giving seminars at trade-shows and full day seminars for the pet industry. Dr. Fleck spoke to the Congress of Veterinarian in Moscow, Russia, at PactiVet, Feb, 2012on both Skin and Ear Care. He also makes himself available to people that write-in or call in that have questions.

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